
​​​​​​Our aim is to develop a love of learning and to enco​​​urage life-long learners at our school. The curriculum at St William’s School consists of the following Learning Areas:Screenshot 2021-12-11 154531.jpg

Catholic schools are guided by th​​e formal curriculum outlined by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) and, during the transition to a fully national curriculum, the Queensland Curriculum and Asseessment  Authority (QCAA) Syllabus Documents also continue to guide teaching and learning in some learning areas. The exception is our Religious Education curriculum. The Archdiocese of Brisbane determines the curriculum for Religious Education which is currently being revised to align with the national curriculum. It is mandatory that all teachers in Catholic schools be qualified to teach Religion.

These learning areas are greatly enriched by the work of specialist teachers at St William’s School. Cultural literacy is​ enhanced through Languages by our Japanese teacher and through the Arts program, with a special emphasis on music and visual arts. The Arts as well as Physical Education are both coordinated by specialist teachers. All classrooms have interactive white boards and internet access, as well as the use of laptops or ipads. The school is wireless for laptop/ipad usage. Our Support Teacher: Inclusive Education assist in the coordination of programs which are designed to meet the individual needs and abilities of all children in our school and ensure that there is a flexible approach to curriculum.

Happy, well-adjusted students with high levels of self-esteem make good learners, therefore pastoral care programs are an important part of the Catholic curriculum at St William's. We are a caring community ready to support children and their families.