The school office is open Monday to Friday from 8:00am to 3:30pm, during school terms. Messages may be left on the school voicemail (3355 5122) outside of these hours or email
The first bell is at 8:26am, with school commencing on the second bell at 8:29am. The school day concludes at 2:55pm.
8:26am |
Warning bell |
8:29am | Start of school bell
10:40am-11:25am | 1st break |
| 2nd break |
| Close of school bell
- No student is to arrive before 8:10am.
- Prior to the first bell, students stay in a school designated meeting place unless they are under the supervision of Outside School Hours Care. Children who arrive at school before 8:10am must be booked into the Before School Care Program – Ph 3354 3904.
- Teacher supervision begins at 8:10am in the designated area/s. Playground equipment is not to be used before or after school.
The afternoon school bus line is supervised.
In the case of children being absent, a phone call to the absentee line (3355 5122 ext 1) stating the child's name, class and nature of the absence is required from the parent/carer. This ensures that the whereabouts of your child is known. Please try to ensure that medical and dental appointments are made outside of school hours, if possible.
Change of pick-up arrangements:
Phone the office (3355 5122 ext 8) as early as possible, but
no later than 2:30pm.
Email messages should be sent before 12:00 noon.
Late arrival
Students arriving from 8:40am onwards must be walked in to the school office by a parent/carer.
Parent/carer must authorise their late arrival via our electronic ALLE system, located in the school office.
Early pickup
Phone the office (3355 5122 ext 8) as early as possible.
Email messages should be sent before 12:00 noon.
Students must be collected from the school office: parent/carer must authorise early departure via our electronic ALLE system.
Communicating with teachers