Specialist Lessons

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Students from ​​Prep to Year 6 are provided with Specialist Lessons on a weekly basis:   

  • Japanese
  • The Arts - Dance, Drama, and Music​
  • Physical Education
  • Digital Technologies


Japanese at St William's School is studied by all students. These years of Japanese learning provide a solid base for the study of the language, its function, structure and connectedness to our language. As well, it provides opportunities for the children to develop an understanding of another culture and to reflect on the differences and similarities that create global creativity. Activities combine: listening, speaking, reading and writing, which have their focus in everyday situations.

The A​​rts - Dance, Drama and Music

In keeping with the holistic education philosophy at St William's School, we offer a wide range of cultural activities. ​​We are blessed to have specialist teachers for The Arts areas, Dance, Drama and Music. Each class is actively involved with The Arts program on a weekly basis. Children also experience a wide range of cultural activities from visiting local and international artists.

Physi​cal Education

Physical Education play a vital role in improving the health and wellbeing of our students. St William​’s is committed to working with the members of our community to ensure all students can experience the health and social benefits that flow from an active lifestyle. Our quest to have more students physically active is reflected through the range of programs and initiatives we provide. We strive to open up new and improved sport and recreation opportunities. As well as increasing participation, many of these programs also aim to help participants improve their skills, regardless of their leve​l. 
Swimming lessons in Term 4 are provided by qualified coaches who have Austswim (Swimming Australia) Accreditation during one school term. Stude​nts are placed in groups according to their ability level.

​Digital Technologies

Digital Technologies gives a deep knowledge and understanding of information systems enabling our children to be creative and discerning decision-makers when they select, use and manage data, information, processes and digital systems to meet needs and shape preferred futures. It provides students with practical opportunities to be innovative developers of digital solutions and knowledge.​ 

The children learn to implement a sequence of algorithms when programming, use object based coding, identify how common digital systems are used to meet specific purposes, identify how common digital systems are used to meet specific purposes, and create and organise ideas and information using information systems and share information safety. 

Technology is an important part of our lives and at St William's we are preparing our children to be responsible technology users.