St William’s School has four sports houses; each house has a colour and is named after a person of significance. In line with our social education program, the significant people model the behaviours that our students strive to attain.
Polding ![]()
John Bede Polding, (1794 - 1877) was Australia's first Archbishop. He spoke out about injustices in society and gave a voice to those who had no voice: the poor, the convicts, the First Nation People and women. During his 40 years in Australia he rode thousands of kilometres visiting Catholics throughout the colony. He named the congregation the Sisters of the Good Samaritan of the Order of St Benedict, the founding order of St William’s School.
Nurse Elizabeth Kenny, (1886 - 1952) dedicated her life to the treatment of the disease, polio. She also invented a transport stretcher that eased the pain of many wounded WW1 soldiers. Her treatments were not widely recognised in Australia but her persistence saved many peoples lives.
John Flynn, (1880 - 1951) founded an aerial ambulance service for people stricken with injury or illness in the outback. With the help of engineers, he devised a clever radio communications system. Through this system, many people from isolated areas of Australia could order fast medical service.
Chisholm ![]()
Caroline Chisholm, (1808 - 1877) dedicated her life to helping the poor and disadvantaged in early Australia. She had idealism, charm and a good business sense – qualities and skills which she used to improve the lives of others.

© Brisbane Catholic Education, St William's School (2023)