Twice Yearly Reporting (end of Terms Two and Four)
Twice yearly reporting judgements are made on evidence collected during the reporting period. When providing twice yearly written reports, teachers:
- compare the evidence of learning with the year level achievement standard and student work samples and make a judgement about whether the evidence reflects the knowledge, understanding and skills in the achievement standard;
- make a professional judgement about the quality of the evidence using a 5 point scale i.e. does the evidence show a depth of understanding, sophistication of skill and/or application of knowledge that goes beyond that described in the standard?
| Well above the Australian achievement standard
| Evidence in folio reflects the standard. Reporting judgements reflect the quality of the evidence in terms of the depth of understanding, sophistication of skill and the way in which knowledge has been applied.
| B
| Above the Australian achievement standard
| C
| Australian achievement standard
| D | Below the Australian achievement standard | Evidence in folio does not reflect the standard | E | Well below the Australian achievement standard |